Magnetic Therapy is a natural therapy that doesn’t involve drugs or other complicated procedures. When magnets are placed on the human body, the magnetic field penetrates the skin tissue and bones...thus helping to improve blood circulation and stimulating the body to heal itself.
Poor blood circulation is said to be the cause of many illnesses. The use of magnets has been shown to aid in the cure of migraine; neck, back and knee pain, rheumatism, arthritis, cramps, gout, angina, depression, period pain and insomnia. Poor blood circulation can make the whole body operate “below par”. Magnetic Therapy can change this, and give a whole new impetus to life.
Magnetic Therapy dates back to the ancient Egyptians. Magnets have long been believed to have healing powers associated with muscle pain and stiffness. In 200 BC, Chinese physicians used magnetic lodestones in therapy and put them on the human body to correct unhealthy, imbalanced flows of qi, or energy. The ancient Chinese medical text known as The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine describes this procedure. The Vedas, or ancient Hindu scriptures, also mentions the treatment of diseases with lodestones. The word “lodestone” or leading stone came from the use of these stones as compasses. The word “magnet” probably stems from the Greek Magnes Lithos, or “stone from Magnesia” a region of Greece rich in magnetic stones. The Greek phrase later became magneta in Latin.
The secret of Magnetic Therapy is in its unique multi-directional Electro Magnetic Force (EMF), which relieves pain and enhances the speed of healing processes.
Magnetic Therapy claims to have good effect in the treatment of many ailments including:
- Pain relief
- Swelling control and mitigation
- Stress relief
- Water retention reduction
- Inducing more restful sleep
- Increasing tissue oxidation
- Increasing cellular oxygen levels
- Improving blood circulation
- Improving anti-infective activity
In effect, Magnetic Therapy removes harmful toxins and improves circulation of oxygen, proteins and minerals around the body. This assists the growth of healthy, new cells and assists the body to heal itself by enhancing immune system functions.
Research into the effects of Magnetic Therapy show that there are no harmful side effects caused by the use of magnets. They shouldn’t be used by people wearing pacemakers, or during pregnancy. If yo have a question please consult your physician before wearing magnets. Magnets of gauss of 600 or greater are considered to be therapeutic. The gauss strength of a magnet is a key indicator of its ability to be used as a personal healer. Gauss strength is technically the measurement of the density of the magnetic field. Strength of 800 to 1000 gauss is normally sufficient to provide significant healing.